Celebrating One Year of Pyramid Lake Spiritual Healing Center: Our Top 10 Achievements!
Today, we celebrate a significant milestone: the 30th of July marks one year since Dean and Steve established the Pyramid Lake Spiritual Healing Center. We're thrilled with the progress we've made in our first year, and we’re excited to share our top ten accomplishments with you.
#10 Fiscal Sponsorship
We owe a huge thank you to Kitten Calfee of the Native Solidarity Project for connecting us with The Hack Foundation, an innovative fiscal sponsor. This partnership allows us to receive tax-free donations, maintain a bank account, and handle credit card transactions. click here for our donation page.
#9 Website and Brand
As a generous gift, Tom Piggott of Tonic designed and built our website. This site clearly shows who Dean is and what the Healing Center is all about. It’s a key tool for outreach, sharing information and updates on our progress. Tom’s work has been essential in helping us create a strong online presence.
#8 Connections and ContributionsÂ
We've had incredible support, with 54 people contributing either time or money. Notably, 17 people volunteered their time—60% of whom were non-Indigenous, and 40% were Indigenous. We also created profiles on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, and LinkedIn to connect and communicate more effectively with our growing community.
#7 Money RaisedÂ
We raised over $20k in donations—more than $5k from 39 individuals and over $15k from three organizations. This financial support has been crucial in helping us establish a strong foundation. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
#6 Heating and Roof RepairÂ
Dean's well-being is our top priority. We purchased a new heater and made emergency roof repairs, ensuring Dean stayed warm and dry through the winter. These improvements were essential for providing a comfortable and safe environment for Dean.
#5 LaptopÂ
We secured a new (used) laptop for Dean, helping him stay connected with the world and conduct Zoom meetings and interviews in style. This has been a significant upgrade, allowing Dean to engage more effectively with supporters and partners.
#4 Introduction VideoÂ
With expert advice from Jude Habib of SoundDelivery in London, we created an introduction video titled “Meet Dean,” highlighting who Dean is and the importance of supporting his work. Special thanks to JK Realms and Terry Pratt of Profiles in Dust for their help in producing a video that effectively tells Dean’s story.
#3 Community Garden and Walking PathÂ
Thanks to Nellie Davis's leadership and hard work, Dean’s vision of a Community Garden is coming to life. We’ve cleared the land and are focusing on developing a walking path to help Dean and others become more active and strong. This project promotes physical health and community engagement.
#2 A New Prosthetic LegÂ
Dean needed a new prosthetic leg, and thanks to the expertise and dedication of Dave King, along with the help of our community to cover costs, he now has a custom-built leg that works perfectly. This new prosthetic has significantly improved Dean’s mobility and overall quality of life. The support from everyone involved has been instrumental in making this crucial improvement possible.
#1 Dean WalkingÂ
Our most important achievement is Dean’s health and happiness. We’re delighted to report that Dean has progressed from sitting in his wheelchair to standing and walking with his new prosthetic leg. There’s still a long way to go, but we’ve made a fantastic start, and this progress is incredibly encouraging.

This is just the beginning, the foundation on which we will grow. Thank you for your support, and we invite you to join us on this journey!